To shop with Boxjourney and these channels are provided.
1. Comfortable shopping via our website To show you our price and available stock. Free shipping in Thailand.
2. Shop via our page Follow our news and products everyday.
3. Shop at our line ID @boxjourney
4. Call Center Tel. 02-9619177-8, 08-3966-5192
5. Our email address
6. Our fours shops at
7. More than 500 baking supply stores with Boxjourney products.

Bank Transfer/Mobile Banking

QR Payment

Credit Card
Products which having available stock, customers able to process
payment notification immediately without waiting for our
contacting. In case of transfer money through ATM account named
Brother and Brother.
Please Login to website
The customer notify the payment before 12:00. The shipping preparation is once a day. (Except Public Holiday)

Siam Commercial Bank - Crystal Design Center (CDC) Branch
Account name : Brother and Brother Company Limited
Saving Number : 405-5-49820-2

Kasikorn Bank - Crystal Design Center (CDC) Branch
Account name : Brother and Brother Company Limited
Saving Number : 996-2-12624-0

Bangkok Bank - Crystal Design Center (CDC) Branch
Account name : Brother and Brother Company Limited
Saving Number : 066-7-07809-1